
#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

Art Collection

A collection of sketches and artwork I have commissioned over the years, often to illustrate random NPCs. Copyright for each work remains with the original artist.

by TayPandaKudo, @pandakudo

Michia Finand: Female Smuggler. Michia has straight green hair and silver eyes. She wears a military uniform and carries a stunner. Michia is much older than she appears.

by Nina Cruz, @ninawolverina

Agnod: Male Human Necromancer, Evil. Agnod has matted silver hair and bright amber eyes, and sharpened teeth. He wears modest garments and wields a short sword. Agnod is violent and merciless.

by Allison Howle, @allisonhowle

Arides: Male Goliath Inquisitor, LG. Str 14, Dex 12, Con 7, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14. Arides has an angular face, with gray skin and light blue eyes. He wears half-plate armor and wields a heavy mace and light crossbow. Arides is hunting the fiend which destroyed his homeland.

by Catarina, @aergiasart

Elleth Willey: Female Halfling Illusionist, Evil. Elleth has braided golden hair and bright amber eyes. She wears brass robes and wields a quarterstaff. Elleth has an arcane familiar, a blind six-legged cave lizard which eats stone.

by guyabanoh

Iming: Female Elf Fighter, Neutral. Iming is exceptionally beautiful, with silver hair and green eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a halberd. Iming has an animal companion, a red firedrake named Imlodel.

by Jeffrey McKenzie, @freyzart

Jacquel Flore: Female Human Scientist. Jacquel has thick golden hair and large hazel eyes. She wears current fashion and carries a tablet computer. Jacquel is blind in her right eye.

by denrawr, @DenverSkyline

Kathon: Female Human Alchemist, Good. Kathon has gray hair and hazel eyes. She wears well-made clothing and a silver holy symbol.